Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Beginning - My Introduction!

Weight loss to me is a constant journey. You have good days and you have bad days, the most important thing is not to let those bad days discourage you and make you give up.
I started my journey when I decided to join weight watchers with a friend in 2008. I found myself at almost 210lbs. It was a wake-up call for me when I finally realized how much I had let myself get out of control with not my weight, but my eating habits. With the support of my friend I managed to lose over 40lbs in one year...yes I did say in ONE year. Not only was losing the weight a huge benefit for my health, but it built my self confidence as well.
After going through a really rough patch in my life, I found myself back at almost 200lbs again at the beginning of this year and decided that it was time to take action again. After several unsuccessful weeks trying to get back on weight watchers, my wonderful boyfriend decided to step in and join me on my journey and help hold me accountable. Accountably, support, and encouragement are the three most important things you can have when you are trying to lose weight! This time with the help of him, my journey is not going to be a temporary "diet," this time I am making it a way of life. I'm not taking away the foods I love, I'm not doing strict dieting, and I'm not going to kill myself with outrageously hard exercise routines, I'm simply going to enjoy life and fill my spare time with the things I am passionate about instead of constantly sitting around and eating. I am going to turn my passion for photography and life into my inspiration for losing the weight and keeping it off for good!

As the days and month go by I will keep you updated on my weight loss process and give you tips, hints, secrets, and even a few great recipes.

Today I'm sharing a different kind of recipe, a recipe for success.


One part knowledge
One part self awareness
A pinch of successful advice
Ten parts emulation(desire, ambition) of success

Mix your knowledge and self awareness into your emulation of the thoughts and behaviors of the successful.
Sprinkle lightly with the advice from those who have succeeded before you. Heat this mix with your own motivation. Cook for several months or until done, then repeat the process.

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