Saturday, May 19, 2012

Secret #4 Smaller Goals

OMG....looking at the overall goal of losing the total amount of weight can be enough to scare even the most dedicated dieters away, solution.....set smaller goals! Goals that you can accomplish within a few days to a week! Accomplishing small goals can help keep you motivated and encouraged to keep aiming for that ultimate goal!

Here are a few examples of short-term goals that you could set for yourself:

-no soda for one week
-only eat natural sugar (like fruits...not the bag of white sugar) for a week
-exercise 10 minutes everyday this week
-drink 64 oz if water everyday before I can have one soda
-eat at least 3 veggie/fruit servings everyday this week
-eat one thing with high protein for every meal this week
-lose 5% of my starting weight
-instead of late night snack time this week I will read or work on something crafty
-no sugary breakfast foods this week
-no skipping a meal this week
-eat a healthy snack between meals to help with the "hunger monster"
-eat smaller portions of every meal this week..don't over indulge
-eat slowly and allow food time to digest instead of speed eating this week
-do not wear my "fat jeans" at all this week
-Don't obsess over the scale this right and weigh at the end of the week
-this week when I'm craving ________, I will read the bible instead of giving into my craving (check out for some amazing God Girl advice)
-keep a journal/reflect on your day everyday for a week. How was your day, what did you accomplish, what if any where your setbacks, what was your mood, emotions, cravings, etc.

Try a Weekly picture challenge! Sometimes it's hard to notice the small changes that other people notice because we see ourselves everyday, pick a bikini or workout outfit that shows your body and take weekly photos of yourself in the same place, same positions and your will be amazed at the differences you would never have payed attention to before!